
Ambalangoda is a coastal town located in Galle District, Southern Province of Sri Lanka. The town is famous for its ancient devil masks and devil dancers. It is approximately 107 kilometres (66 mi) south of Colombo. thiscity is renowned for the manufacture of wooden masks and puppets.The traditional masks are carved from light Balsa like Kaduru wood (Nux vomica). Kaduru trees grow in the marshy lands bordering paddy fields. The wood is smoke dried for a week in preparation. The hand carved and hand painted masks in traditional dance dramas are both vibrant and colorful.

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The island country in the Indian Ocean with tropical climate and diverse natural environment the country has a long history becoming a land with one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse places on earth, with many different languages and religions, rich cultural heritage enriched with traditional & cultural circles. The island's natural beauty is breathtaking, with lush jungles, towering mountains and spectacular waterfalls, Sandy gold Beaches, wildlife parks, rainforests and is a popular tourist destination which is crowned as the “Asia’s next hotspot” by the New York Times. Sri Lankans are welcoming people who will make you feel like you’re at home in no time.

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